Monday, March 28, 2011


WTF is it with the internet and its picking up on really bad shit and making it really popular? It seems like every other week there is a new viral video on youtube of some horrible singer like Rebecca Black, then in a week or so, there are 400 new videos all parodying Rebecca Black. Now you can see the shittiest song ever recorded in the style of Bob Dylan, Death metal, emo, Sigur ros, etc. I don't think that anybody takes the time to realize that by giving her so much attention, you're not letting her fade away like she should. So, her video gets 40 million views, and a retarded record exec confuses this as actual talent, and signs her. Soon, she becomes the next Justin Beiber, and we have to deal with much more than just one shitty song. I am contemplating whether posting this blog just adds to the problem. It probably does, but fuck it. I think we should celebrate talent and skill, not stupidity. So here's this:
The XX are an amazing band, and recently Jamie XX has started remixing some of his bands and other bands songs, and they are all pretty sick. The XX is really good indie music, it knows how to use silence to convey emotion. The electronic remixes he is doing are genius in their ambiance. 
So, now that I've hated on internet meme's I would like to point out that they aren't all bad. Sometimes the internet points out hilarious things that we should all see  to make our days better. For example this youtube vid has been popular lately:
So epically funny. Anyways, memes can be great, or they can be a trolls dream, but before passing on a meme, realize that you are making that content more popular, and keeping it alive longer. I'm not saying Rebecca Black deserves to die, but her music does. So, instead of posting one of the billions of her vids, I'm gonna put up a remix by nosaj thing of radiohead. Beautiful


  1. What is the oldest meme that you remember?

  2. Hahaha Sax man is hilarious!! That's the best thing I've ever seen. This guy hates George Michael, BOOOO haha

  3. the oldest I can remember is the hamster dance clip from way back in the day.

  4. hahaha poor george micheals, that video was gold though.

  5. I totally agree with you. It pisses me off that amazing talent gets snubbed for stupid shit people can make fun of instead.

  6. Memes are the best part of the internet

  7. lol. ITS FRIDAY. FRIDAY!!. lawl.

  8. nice post man good music too! keep up the good work bro! Thanks>>

  9. The sax man is my favorite thing this month. I'll never get that damn song out of my head.

  10. I prefer the original mix of Basic Space, but not bad :S

  11. As unfortunate as it is, some great ways of spreading awesome things is through meme's, sure there's a lot of shit mixed in withthe good stuff but the bit of humor or information or pop culture isn't always a bad thing, I don't think. So I don't know, just my two cents.

    BTW check out my fiancee's blog if you follow her she'll follow you!

  12. Those vids just there are PURE GOLD!

    Love it, laughed.

    Keeping my eye on ya, mate!

  13. I think it's more of the "I'll make fun of someone else's misfortune to elevate myself." Times that by a million and you'll have people cutting down every single har har thing on the internet.

  14. i love sexy sax amn it's such a funny video i lulz
