Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Just a quick post today, cause there's not much to say, but recently I've learned about this smart drug, or nootropic called piracetam. It's a cool idea, drugs that make you smarter instead of drugs that make you trip or feel energetic or anything like that. I looked into it, cause if it's possible, I'm definitely interested in all the help i can get. It seems like it's actually legit. There have been many studies done on the effects on people with alzheimers, ADD, other degenerative diseases or brain disorders, and it's always been pretty positive results. There has also been a couple studies done on the effects on healthy normal people, one saying that after two weeks, people's short term memory increases greatly. So, I found some for sale like a month ago on some body builder website (of all places) in a huge tub for like 16 dollars. Its 500 grams, and you do a gram a day (or I do), so it lasts like a year and a half. Not a bad price for sure. The only problem is it is in powder instead of pills, so it tastes like absolute shit. But if you can get over that, it's totally worth giving a try.
I've been taking it along with choline for about a month now, and have started to notice some effects when engaging in memory based activities. For example, I sat down to play the piano for the first time in like 6 months the other day, and started playing moonlight sonata from memory. I really didn't think I'd get very far, because it had been so long, but I got as far as I had ever bothered memorizing, without stopping or messing up once. I was surprised at myself as it was happening. Kinda cool.
I also am learning arabic, and like with any foreign language, there is a lot of memorization involved. But, looking at flashcards after a few weeks on this, and I can start to remember vocab much quicker than before. Anyways, I think it's a cool thing to use drugs for memory and intelligence instead of to just get fucked up. In some countries there are loads of similar drugs for sale in "smart shops." So, I'd recommend giving it a try.


  1. that might be nice for me, my memory is horrible lately. i need to be an abuser of adderal like everyone else ( or this

  2. or this.... ?

    Adderal is bad for you. It's amphetamine, so very closely related to meth, the only difference being the methyl group which makes it last longer and be a little stronger. I know some adderal junkies...

  3. You should take this and smoke a bunch of weed and see which drug wins, haha. Just messin' man.


  4. Mary Jane is still my drug of choice, love that broad.

  5. The real question is, once you get off the drug... you'll go back to your old self, or maybe to an even worse version of your old self?

  6. nope. memory is better forever after drug. It is a drug that builds neural pathways, unlike adderall which is basically weak meth, which destroys neurons

  7. You'd better stock up, they'll probably make it illegal soon. Like everything else.

  8. Yeah, Adderal is definitely not something to mess with...! Followed!

  9. The only drugs I take are aspirin. ;)

    Good luck! And followed!

  10. Interesting. I'd give this a shot. Don't know if I can get past the taste. What site did you find it on?

  11. looks like you can still get it here:

    and maybe a couple other places. Its getting b& as a nutrition supplement, so its gonna start becoming more expensive.

  12. Err... Adderall and other d-amphetamines are HORRIBLE things to abuse in the long term. You'll require more and more to block reuptake at D2 receptor synapses, which in itself poses health risks. And if you try to quit cold, you'll find yourself even more inattentive and unfocused (along with plenty of other nasty side effects!) than before ever taking the drug. Even those with ADHD are never prescribed d-amphetamines for long-term usage, without other interventions, such as behavioral or cognitive therapies...

    As for Piracetam, I'm unfamiliar as to how that works, but I'd advise caution in long-term usage. :S

  13. Jamie, you should look up piracetam, its non-neurotoxic, and really incredibly safe. It's pretty much made to be something youre taking for the long run. I agree COMPLETELY with you about adderall and all amphetamine based drugs. Thanks for the comment :)

  14. All drugs can have positive effects if you use it in moderation but of course too much can also have negative effects as well.

  15. Yeah, It sounds like a good idea, but stuff like this can some times come back and bite you in the ass, with whatever side affects their may be..... Still interesting though, cheers for the post.

  16. sounds like a cool idea, i bet there will be some side effects later though.

  17. lol at "drugs that make you smarter" haha that would be a blast

  18. Everything is good in moderation, but man does that sound fan-fucking-tastic.

  19. Good luck learning arabic language. It's a pain in the ass really..

    You happen to have an intresting blog
    followed :)

  20. Arabic.. jeez I couldn't even start on french haha.

  21. Drag news once again hmmm i'm gonna follow you :)

  22. I try to stay away from these kind of 'products'! I'm pretty scared about the long term effects.

  23. Gl with Arabic, the best of luck to ur blog to =)
